Nakładem wydawnictwa The Enigma Press w serii „Qumranica Mogilanensia” (vol. 18) ukazała się praca Felipe’a Sena pt. Bibliography of Publications on Qumran in the Spanish Language (1949-2011) (Kraków – Mogilany 2012, ss. 262).

Informacje z okładki książki:
Felipe Sen was born in Madrid on Nov. 12, 1927.He studied Classical philology at the National University of Colombia (Bogota). In 1998 he obtained a Ph.D. degree at the Complutense University (Madrid), for a dissertation on ancient history concerning the story of Sinuhe. While he is a specialist in Egyptology, Coptic and Gnostic studies, Sen has also closely followed developments in Dead Sea Scrolls research. Qumran has been a passion with him since the 1960s. In the course of time he became one of the most prolific Spanish writers on the ancient manuscripts. He has authored (or co-authored) a dozen books, written a few hundred articles and reviews and served as editor of encyclopedias. His most recent publication on the scrolls is: Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto. La comunidad de Qumran y sus escritos, Madrid 2007. He is a member of Spanish scholarly associations for Oriental, Egyptological and Biblical research.
Spanish language publications on the texts from the Judaean Desert are, as is visible in the present volume, plentiful and well worth attention. The volume will benefit both those who study specific Qumran manuscripts and those looking for either general or more particular information on the discoveries. The Spanish readers receive here not only a list of publications in their native language arranged by authorsÕ names but also a detailed Spanish index. Scholars from other countries will find all the Spanish titles translated into English, with a detailed English index. Thanks to the very kind collaboration of Professor Florentino Garcia Martinez, we have been able to include his thorough survey in Spanish of the output of Spanish qumranology.