Na najbliższym posiedzeniu Komitetu Nauk o Kulturze Antycznej PAN, które odbędzie się w dniu 5 czerwca 2010 r. (sobota) o godz. 11.30 w sali konferencyjnej Instytutu Badań Interdyscyplinarnych „Artes Liberales” (dawniej OBTA, ul. Nowy Świat 69, wejście od podwórza, IV piętro), prof. Ewen Bowie (Corpus Christi College, Oxford) wygłosi referat pt. The origins of the Theognidea: a modest proposal

The paper accepts the hypothesis of Martin West (and some others) that the main body of the Theognidea (255-1220) goes back to an earlier collection of pieces of archaic elegy (called by West the florilegium magnum) but challenges the view that it was compiled as late as the third century BC. It argues that several features point to its compilation towards the end of the fifth century BC, and that its compiler and his motive can be identified: that identification, and suggested identifications for the addressees of some of the pieces in the Theognidea, together encourage the hypothesis that it contains several late fifth century complete or near-complete poems. Finally a tentative proposal is put forward concerning the origins and transmission of the pieces found only in the Paris MS A (‘Book 2’).