Jako 16 tom serii „Elektrum” ukazała się książka Edwarda Dąbrowy pt. The Hasmoneans and their State. A Study in History, Ideology and the Institutions (Wydawnictwo UJ, Kraków 2010).

Spis treści:
Introduction, 7
Abbreviations, 9
Part I: Judea under the Hasmonaeans (167–63 BCE)
1. Mattathias and Judah: In Defense of the Ancestors Religion
2. Jonathan and Simon: A Strategy for Independence
3. John Hyrcanus: Securing Independence and the Rise of Expansionist Policy
4. Hasmonean Kings
Part II: The Institutions of the Hasmonean State
I: The Ruler
1. The Royal Priesthood or the Priestly Monarchy
2. The Priesthood
3. The Kingship
4. Succession
5. The Royal Family
6. The Court
7. The Capital City
8. The Palace and the Baris
9. Propaganda and Self-Presentation
A. Individual Propaganda
a. Self-Presentation
b. Coinage
B. Dynastic Propaganda
II. The State
1. Local Administration
2. Finances
3. Army
Part III: Society
1. Judean Society during Hasmonean Rule
2. The Hasmoneans and their Critics
3. Social Attitudes Toward the Hasmoneans
Index of Personal Names
Index of Place Names
Index of Ancient Sources
Źródło: Strona Wydawnictwa UJ