W najnowszym tomie czasopisma „DO-SO-MO. Fascicula Mycenologica et Classica Polona” (VIII, 2009) znajdują się następujące prace:
I.R. Danka , K.T. Witczak, The Hesychian Gloss oresi: probatois and the Mycenaean evidence
F. Gonzato, Non-Verbal Memory Medium and the Instrumental Use of the Past in the Mycenaean World. A Methodologicał Approach

S. Sharypkin, In memoriam collegae
E. Scafa, Sugli aspetti gestionali dell’ apparato militare miceneo
S. Sharypkin, Mycenaean Dual Reconsidered
R.A. Sucharski, Remarks on Theban Verbal Forms
K.T. Witczak, Cretan Toponyms in the “Minoan Libation Formula
E. Notti, Il lascito euristico di Heinrich Schliemann
G. Owens, „An Instrodution to Linear B” (J.T. Hooker 1931-1991). In Memory of James Hooker and in Honour of Sheila Hooker
K.T. Witczak, On the Prosopography of a Linear B tablet
P. Biavaschi, Lingua, diritto e cultura nel Codice Teodosiano. Alcune note sul defensor civitatis al tempo di Teodosio I
M. Górska, The Valency of Latin Nouns wih no Formative Motivation
J. Kavčič, De differentiis, quae inter linguam Graecam antiquam et modernam intersunt
R. Rosół, Beiträge zu den kyprischen Glossen
M. Siwicka, Verb Diathesis in Ancient Philosophy and Grammar
H. Wolanin, Aristotle’s ptosis rhematos
[Rec:] V.L. Aravantinos, L. Godart, A. Sacconi,Thèbes. Fouilles de la Cadmée III. Corpus des documents d’ archives en linéaire B de Thèbes, Pisa – Roma 2002 (K.T. Witczak)
[Rec.:] Ph. Baldi, The foundations of Latin, Berlin – New York 2002 (B. Tschernjuch)
[Rec.:] O. Dickinson, The Aegean from Bronze Age to Iron Age. Continuity and Change between the twelfth and eight centuries B.C., London – New York 2006 (M. Piotrowska)