Ukazał się kolejny, 2/2011, numer czasopisma Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia (Rzeszów 2011, ss. 328).

Spis treści:
- Malcolm Davies, Sabine Müller – Deioces the Mede – Rhetoric and Reality in Herodotus 1.99
- Ryszard Kulesza – Marathon and Thermopylae in the mémoire collective
- Sabine Müller – Onesikritos und das Achaimenidenreich
- Marek Jan Olbrycht – First Iranian military units in the army of Alexander the Great
- Franca Landucci Gattinoni – Diodorus 18. 39.1–7 and Antipatros’s Settlement at Triparadeisos
- Jeffrey D. Lerner – A Reappraisal of the Economic Inscriptions and Coin Finds from Aï Khanoum
- Eduard V. Rtveladze – Parthians in the Oxus Valley. Struggle for the Great Indian Road
- Michał Marciak – Seleucid-Parthian Adiabene in the Light of Ancient Geographical and Ethnographical Texts
- Leonardo Gregoratti – A Parthian port on the Persian Gulf: Characene and its trade
- Martin Schottky – Sanatruk von Armenien
- Tomasz Polański – A Collection of Orientalist Paintings in the Imperial Private Gallery in Naples
- Massimiliano Vitiello – The “Light, Lamps, and Eyes” of the Persian Empire and the Gothic Kingdom in Justinian’s Time: A Note on Peter the Patrician and Cassiodorus
- Martin Schottky – Nicholas Sekunda (ed.), ERGASTERIA: Works Presented to John Ellis Jones on his 80th Birthday, Gdańsk 2010
- Michał Marciak – Ursula Hackl, Bruno Jacobs, Dieter Weber (Hrsg.), Quellen zur Geschichte des Partherreiches. Textsammlung mit Übersetzungen und Kommentaren, Göttingen 2010
- Michał Marciak – Steve Mason, Josephus, Judea, and Christian Origins: Methods and Categories, Peabody, MA 2009
- Sławomir Jędraszek – Sabine Müller, Das hellenistische Königspaar in der medialen Repräsentation: Ptolemaios II. und Arsinoe II, Berlin/New York 2009
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