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Tim Whitmarsh, Invective and free speech: A dangerous duo

10 maja 2023 @ 19:30 - 21:00

Dnia 10 maja 2023 r. o godz. 19.30 odbędzie się kolejne seminarium z cyklu The art of violence: Re-approaching invective in Greek and Latin literature, podczas którego prof. Tim Whitmarsh z Uniwersytetu w Cambridge wygłosi referat pt. Invective and free speech: A dangerous duo. Spotkanie odbędzie się zdalnie za pośrednictwem Zoom (link).


The modern world is obsessed with the ethics of freedom of expression, and rightly so. Whether we think of attacks on journalists, political attempts to control public discourse, blasphemy laws or the hounding of those with alternative views, it is clear that our age is struggling to find space for individuals’ rights to expression, especially given the complexity and fragmentation of the public sphere. This paper argues that many of those complexities were already visible in Greco-Roman antiquity, and that the literary genre of invective is a rich source of them.


10 maja 2023
19:30 - 21:00
Kategorie Wydarzenie:
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