Zakład Historii Starożytnej IH UW serdecznie zaprasza na referat pt. Building the metropolitan authority in the late fourth-century western church: the case of Ambrose of Milan (d. 397), który wygłosi David Natal (Universidad de Salamanca). Referat zostanie wygłoszony w ramach seminarium późnoantycznego w czwartek, 12 stycznia 2017 r. o godz. 16.45, w Bibliotece Zakładu Papirologii, w budynku Wydziału Prawa (Collegium Iuridicum I) na terenie głównym UW. 


Up until 1980s, Ambrose of Milan (d. 397) was regarded as one of the most powerful and influential bishops of the late fourth century. Although more recent research has fundamentally questioned Ambrose’s imperial-wide prominence, current historiography still considers him the first metropolitan bishop of the west. In this paper, however, I will argue that Ambrose’s capacity for imposing his agenda in the region was very limited, and will contend that Ambrose and his successors exaggerated his hold over his north Italian fellow bishops in an attempt to portray the late antique western church as a fully institutionalized organization.