Zakład Historii Starożytnej Instytutu Historycznego UW oraz Koło Starożytnicze UW mają zaszczyt zaprosić na wykład dra Raza Klettera (Uniwersytet w Helsinkach), pt. Israeli Archaeology: Methods, Ethics, and Results. Wykład odbędzie się w czwartek 14 kwietnia 2016 r. o godz. 18.30 w sali 108 IH UW (szklany budynek). 


From humble beginnings in 1948 under severe conditions, Israeli Archaeology became a success story: thriving research, a strong Antiquities Authority, fabulous museums and sites that draw tourists from all over the world. However, this archaeology does not exist in a void, but in the always-present shadow of the on-going Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The lecture will discuss the implications of this unique situation concerning legislation, ethics, conservation of heritage and its public use.

Dr. Raz Kletter is Docent for Near Eastern Archaeology at Helsinki University, Finland. He has directed many excavations in Israel, notably the Yavneh repository pit (Genizah) with more than a hundred Iron Age cult-stands. Kletter specializes in the Iron Age Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, ancient economy, religion and cult, and the history of archaeology in Israel/Palestine.