Zakład Historii Starożytnej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego serdecznie zaprasza na referat New Light on the Muslim Conquest of Egypt (Re-reading John of Nikiou), który wygłosi dr Phil Booth (Oxford). Referat, który zainauguruje tegoroczne spotkania seminarium późnoantycznego, zostanie wygłoszony w czwartek, 11 października 2012 r., o godz. 16.45, w Bibliotece Zakładu Papirologii, w budynku Wydziału Prawa (Collegium Iuridicum I) na terenie głównym UW.


Since the publication of John of Nikiou’s Chronicle in the late nineteenth century, all researchers have assumed that its crucial chapters 111-15, which cover the Muslim conquest of Egypt, have somehow become disordered. That perception, this paper suggests, results from the false assumption – derived from the far later Islamic tradition – that the Muslims arrived in a single movement and as a single unit. It argues that John of Nikiou’s text is both clear and consistent, and that it offers a new vision of the conquest which is both familiar and unfamiliar: familiar in its intersection with the strategies of Muslim commanders elsewhere in the Middle East; and unfamiliar in its radical departure from the narrative contained within all subsequent accounts of the conquest, both medieval and modern.