W ostatnim numerze czasopisma Palamedes. A Journal of Ancient History (6, 2011) znajdują się następujące artykuły i recencje:

Palamedes. A Journal of Ancient History 6, 2011

Krystyna Szarzyńska, The Urekean Archpriest e n in the Archaich Period. A Few Remarks on his functions, 5-16

Małgorzata Sandowicz, Fear The Oath!’ Stepping Back from Oath Taking In First Millennium B.C. Babylonia, 17-36

Benedetto Bravo, Tre lettere di mercanti del Mar Nero settentrionale rivisitate. sui modi di organizzazione e gli attori del commercio e sulla ‘giustizia privata’ in póleis ed empória, 37-92

Katarzyna Balbuza, La conception d’Aeternitas dans le monnayage de consécration romain de l’époque du principat, 93-108

Krzysztof Rzepkowski, Jerome, palliatae, and veteres comici. A Note to Hier. Ep. 57.5.5 (De optimo genere interpretandi), 109-114

Paweł Janiszewski, The Enigmatic Historian Parthenios of Phokaia, The Ethnika of Stephanus of Byzantium and the Historiography of the Turn of the 5th and 6th centuries, 115-130


Marek Stępień, The Foundation Inscription of King Amar-Suena of The Third Dynasty of Ur, 131-136

Steven Ross Murray, William A. Sands, Douglas A. O’Roark, Throwing the Ancient Greek Dory: How Effective is the Attached Ankyle at Increasing the Distance of the Throw?


Rafał Rosół, Wschodnie korzenie kultu Apollona. Studium lingwistyczno-historyczne [The Oriental Roots of the Cult of Apollo: A Linguistic-Historical Study], Kraków: Nomos2010 (Mikołaj Szymański), 153-156

Roger S. Bagnall, Early Christian Books in Egypt, Princeton–Oxford: Princeton University Press 2009; Roger S. Bagnall, Livres chrétiens antiques d’Égypte, Genève: Librairie Droz 2009 (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences Historiques et Philologiques. Hautes Études du monde gréco-romain 44) (Ewa Wipszycka-Bravo), 157-168

Books of Intrests (eds Piotr Berdowski et al.)

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