Zakład Historii Starożytnej Instytutu Historycznego UW serdecznie zaprasza na referat Formative Spaces: Making monks in early medieval Iberia, który wygłosi dr Jamie Wood (University of Lincoln). Spotkanie w ramach seminarium późnoantycznego odbędzie się w czwartek, 6 kwietnia 2017 r., o godz. 16.45, w Bibliotece Zakładu Papirologii (budynek Wydziału Prawa UW, Collegium Iuridicum I).
Formative Spaces addresses the relationship between physical spaces and normative texts such a monastic rules in the formation of ascetic communities in early medieval Iberia. Rulebooks for monastic life propose a complicated disciplinary regime that seems to have been designed to train monks to adopt specific beliefs and practices, while an increasing number of monastic sites – the spaces in which monks were presumably trained in such practices – have been excavated in Spain and Portugal over recent decades. However, minimal attention has been devoted to understanding how the physical organisation of monastic space related to the rules that regulated ascetic life. There are two strands to the Formative Spaces project: (1) a synthetic analysis of a sample of the extant monastic archaeological sites of early medieval Iberia (6th-7th century); (2) a comparison of such sites with contemporary Iberian monastic rules. This scoping study prepares the ground for a fuller examination of the spatiality of monastic formation in early medieval Iberia, and of the relationship between ascetic theory and practice more generally.