The 2011 Classical Association Annual Conference will be hosted by Durham University (Friday 15th April – Monday 18 April 2011). Registration deadline: 31 August 2010

Suggested topics: attitudes towards the future in Greece and Rome; memory and forgetting; archives and libraries; Greek epigraphy; display practices and public space; beauty; concepts of authorship and forgery; the identity of the artist; the disciples of Socrates; Greek and Roman historiography; Greek law; Greece and the Near East; Greek epigram; the reception of Augustan poetry; the ‘long’ third century AD; iconicity of materials; sites of heritage; regionalism in Roman art and architecture; landscape and the environment; reconstruction of ancient remains; e-learning.

The conference involves around 50 panels with a distinguished array of international and national speakers, and is attended by several hundred delegates. The conference will run from the evening of Friday 15th April until lunch on Monday 18th April. Panels will be held in Collingwood College and Grey College, and plenary lectures in the Arnold Wolfendale theatre of the Calman Centre, on the Science site of the University. The conference dinner will take place at the Radisson Hotel, on the banks of the river Wear. The conference will be organised in seven academic sessions with parallel papers, two plenary lectures and the Presidential Address. As in previous years, there will also be receptions, entertainments and excursions to sites of interest in the local area. Participants will be offered a choice of accommodation in Collingwood College, the Business School, and the Marriott Hotel, Durham. We welcome proposals for papers (20 minutes long followed by discussion) and coordinated panels (comprising either 3 or 4 papers) from academic staff, graduate students, and school teachers on the topics suggested below, or on any aspect of the classical world. We are keen to encourage papers from a broad range of classical, historical, and archaeological perspectives.

Please send your title, abstract (no more than 300 words), and any enquiries to the address below (preferably by email) not later than 31 August 2010:

Paola Ceccarelli, CA 2011,

Department of Classics & Ancient History,

38 North Bailey, Durham University,

Durham DH1 3EU, UK.


Tel.: +44 (0)191 3341686

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